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Are you a student?

Students are anyone who are currently taking classes at a university or high school and has an active and current school-issued email address. We check & verify every student’s email when they sign up to be members at GBAglobal.org. Users who register with a Gmail or Yahoo email are automatically rejected. 

Professors and school faculty are NOT QUALIFIED for student membership. 

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Individual Memberships

Is professional membership right for you?

Professional members are anyone looking to:

Expand your professional network with global contacts focused on insights, business opportunities, support, and mentorship

Access industry-leading content and education to enhance your professional background

Collaborate with industry-leading experts and professionals to develop industry best practices and standards

Promote your personal or professional brand within the blockchain community

Are you a civil servant?

Civil servants are anyone who works for their government and has an active and current government-issued email address. We check & verify every civil servant’s email when they sign up to be members at GBAglobal.org. Users who register with a Gmail or Yahoo email are automatically rejected.


New civil servant member approval can take up to 48 hours.

Organizational Memberships