- GBA operationally is dealing with a lot of data generated from chapters, working groups, internal operations, programs like the BMM professionals etc… There is not yet a model of data that is defined within GBA
- There is not a defined data strategy that is used within the different parts of GBA
- There is not a set of processes to select, configure and maintain and use collaboration tools for GBA activities
Possible Statement of Objectives for the data management group
- Develop a roadmap for data management infrastructure
- Develop a set of recommendations to determine the type of data to be managed with GBA
- Develop a set of recommendations for infrastructure architectures that would be used to deal with the types of data
- Develop a set of recommendations to select collaborations tools that meet GBA data management requirements.
Initial list of requirements
- Access Control of a document must be tied to membership profiles
- If a member leaves a WG, their access to its documents is restricted
- Records/credentials stored such that they will outlast the GBA
- Backups — must be documented and feasible to take and restore backups
- Data infrastructure must be maintainable even after the principal installer has left the organization
- Data collaboration infrastructure use should not distract from the group’s mission (e.g. it should not take half the meeting to figure out how to start working together on a document)
- If possible, decentralized technologies should be used
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