Polygon’s Eggfruit Upgrade: A Big Step towards a more scalable and efficient zkEVM

The much-anticipated Polygon Eggfruit upgrade’s mainnet is launching on the 30th of September 2024. This will open up solid possibilities to make Polygon zkEVM highly-performant, more scalable, and an efficient execution environment while also offering similar benefits for Polygon CDK chains. The eggfruit upgrade is one of the biggest steps in the Polygon blockchain’s development after the recent rollouts of the Aggregation Layer, parallelization, and POL native token. 

Through this article, we’ll have a closer look at the Polygon zkEVM EggFruit upgrade to understand its basics, how it drives value to dApps and CDK chains, as well as the applications that are a good fit for this upgrade. 

 Polygon zkEVM EggFruit

What’s exactly in the Eggfruit Upgrade?

EggFruit upgrade is essentially a technical advancement to the Polygon zkEVM that will introduce an innovative and performance-optimized sequencer; cdk-erigon. Each project on the network can now harness cdk-erigon’s efficiency to get a whole new and efficient method of transaction ordering and batch processing mechanism. 

Let’s have a look at some of the important highlights of Eggfruit’s upgrade:

  • The CDK Erigon sequencer in the Eggfruit upgrade functions through the integration of zkEVM consensus protocols and is optimized especially to accommodate L2 solutions in which massive throughput and continuous scaling are vital.
  • With the Erigon-CDK sequencer, developers now have greater freedom and control of their projects. As required, they can customize any component of their network, such as consensus mechanism, transaction pool, and state management.
  • The sequencer is built with inter-chain connectivity and liquidity in mind. Hence, it will allow dApps and CDK chains to interoperate in a more seamless manner to operate in a single, unified ecosystem where the traditional siloed system is no longer a concern.  
  • Upgrading to Erigon CDK RPC will enable more efficient and powerful on-chain interaction across the network. 

How will it benefit dApps and CDK chains?

Although Eggfruit upgrade is focused mainly on offering a more stable and highly performant on Polygon zkEVM, it will also have ramifications for CDK chains. Below, we have discussed some of these benefits for both dApps and L2/L3 chains. However, these are just a snapshot. More benefits will be aligned once Eggfruit upgrade is live and projects begin harnessing its benefits. 

Higher TPS and performance: 

Accommodating higher TPS and performance is one of the main benefits that comes with the cdk-erigon sequencer. This new sequencer is Erigon’s implementation, which is optimized to offer a more stable and throughput-rich network to the chains leveraging the Polygon zkEVM protocol. L2 chains building with CDK will now have access to a powerful sequencer node that will perform all the crucial processes of creating transactions, batching, block creation, and more. And it will adjust TPS based on on-chain activity ramps-ups.

Enhanced stability: 

Polygon Eggfruit upgrade offers maximized stability to the Polygon zkEVM mainnet with a possibility of 16M daily transactions. This allows developers to have confidence and complete peace of mind as they build a network that is more reliable and efficient for handling high volume of transactions. However, we must note that Polygon is already optimized to handle massive transactions. This is an impact of the recent Napoli upgrade that introduced support for RIP-7212 , better parallelization, and new op-codes for the Cancun upgrade. 

2X more zkCounters: 

The Eggfruit upgrade claims to double the zkCounters for seamless processing of complex transactions. For Polygon zkEVM dApps and CDK chains, Zk-counters act as a ceiling to ensure that total computation(required to generate proofs) steps do not exceed the maximum limit of polynomial size. Now, with EggFruit, Zkcounters will work more efficiently for an increased computational ceiling, avoiding any errors during batch processing and execution.

Supercharged RPC infra: 

Once Eggfruit upgrade is live, Polygon will depreciate the legacy RPC node. Hence, cdk-erigon node will be the recommended RPC node for the Polygon zkEVM network. This news was earlier highlighted through Polygon’s official announcement, and it’s now confirmed with the arrival of the Eggfruit upgrade. All the developers, enterprise, and infrastructure providers are required to upgrade to cdk-erigon RPC node, if not done already. 

 Polygon zkEVM EggFruit

Use cases and applications of Polygon Eggfruit

As we discussed, Polygon’s Eggfruit upgrade will have a profound impact on both zkEVM dApps and CDK-powered chains. Considering this,  let’s look at a few use cases and applications of Polygon Eggfruit. We’ll discuss the dApps and chains that are high in tractions and are among the hottest projects on Polygon. The main parameters we are considering here are user base, total transactions, TVL, accounts, etc.

Note that the statistics are validated from reliable web3 analytics platforms like Dune Analytics, L2 Beat, DeFi Lama, Token Terminal, and Growthpie. 


DeFi dApps, be it trading & exchange solution, baking applications, or payment solution– all of them require the capability to process transactions rapidly while ensuring stable performance for user experience. Some of the high-traction DeFi dApps on Polygon zkEVM includes Uniswap V3; $3.04B, Quickswap; $90.62M TVL, 1inch; 4.53M TVL, and, and Lens Protocol; 51.34k transactions TVL will be available soon).

Speaking about high-traction CDK chains in DeFi, there’s Canto ( $9.38TVL & 22 Protocols). Also, there are new additions like Wirex, CapX that will benefit a lot from the Eggfruit upgrade. 

Web3 Gaming: 

Web3 gaming apps often have a huge player base with millions of daily transactions. This is the scenario for both the indie and AA titles games. Hence, upgrading to Eggfruit is super beneficial for them. Top gaming dApps on Polygon ZkEVM are Planet Ix; 726.84K TVL, Anichess (upcoming), Yuliverse (upcoming).

And, if we look at CDK gaming chains, Immutable’s Layer2 chainz ImmutableX is one of the hottest CDK chains with $134.10M TVL 5.19K active addresses and around 345.01K total transactions as of now. Then, there is the Astar chain with $24.14M TVL, 79.288M total transactions, and 1.177M addresses. 


Projects based on NFTs & entertainment like NFT marketplace, NFT games, or exchange solutions are required to maintain stable performance despite the functioning transaction volume on their platform. And, that’s where Eggfruit with high TPS and performance helps. OpenSea is the leading NFT dApp on Polygon zkEVM, which has a peak monthly user base of 71k+ and a peak DAU of around 13K. 

Apart from these industry-leading categories, Polygon Eggfruit is set to drive value for a lot of other projects, like for account abstraction (Safe L2) use cases, DID or decentralized data (Powerloom), enterprise solutions, utility applications, energy sector applications, and more. 

Excited to build with Eggfruit?

The Eggfruit upgrade has already created a buzz, and it’s definitely going to see widespread adoption both in dApps as well as CDK chains. If you are also planning to build a CDK chain or migrate your existing network to the Polygon zkEVM, , Zeeve is ready to assist. Zeeve RaaS offers you a highly-optimized CDK infrastructure to deploy your chains or managed dApps. With our 24/7 Enterprise SLA and support, Zeeve ensures 99.9% availability and consistent performance of your network. 

Additionally, you can launch a modular testnet for your CDK chain with 40+ integrations supported on Zeeve RaaS platform. The whole process is optimized for no-code, enabling you to launch mainnet-ready testnet in minutes. For more information about Zeeve RaaS or about our blockchain-based services, connect with our experts. You can also send your queries via mail or schedule a one-to-one meeting with our experts

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