MyEarth.Id – Decentralized Identity Management

Investors & Startups’s Docs Seeking Funding MyEarth.Id – Decentralized Identity Management

There are 1 billion people without any form of identity and over 3 billion people without any digital footprint. In this age of Industry 4.0, a digital identity is crucial for social and financial inclusion. MyEarth.Id has a vision of providing a self-sovereign universal identity to all humans, thereby providing seamless access to global services, in a secure and borderless way.

Our Mission:

  • To build a more Inclusive Society, by providing a Secure Digital Identity to all Human Beings, irrespective of their Economic, Political and Social Status
  • Simplifying the process of validating Human Identity and Reducing Identity Thefts and Frauds, thereby minimizing the Cost of Identity Management

EarthId, as a decentralised Identity Management Platform, will provide a safe and secure identity to all human beings through the power of cryptography and distributed ledger technology (DLT). EarthId provides user-owned universal identity, enabling border-less access to global services. EarthId will also provide a digital ID wallet, aggregating users identity and vital information across industries, compliant with global data regulations like GDPR. EarthId also offers a proprietary identity scoring mechanism, Trust Score, reflecting the strength of user’s identity.

The key features include:

  1. Password-less logins
  2. Digital KYC
  3. Digital ID Wallet
  4. Keyless Entry
  5. User onboarding
  6. Identity Scoring

MyEarth.Id won the “Best Use of Blockchain in Financial Services award at IFTA 2019” in India.