Examining Legal Impacts of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)

The GBA Legal & Legislative Working Group led by Miles Vaughn is studying the legal impacts of establishing a GBA Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). The GBA Governance Working Group is building the infrastructure for them, and other working groups, to experiment with governance technologies. The GBA Mining & Cryptocurrency Working Group will be using the DAO technology to make tokenomic decisions concerning GBA Reward Tokens, Utility Tokens, and Voting Tokens. 

There is no question that using distributed autonomous methodologies challenge current legal frameworks. Miles and the Legal Working Group will be examining the intersection of new governance models and existing legal & regulatory requirements. 

This group will focus on legal issues pertaining to virtual currencies and decentralized autonomous organizations. The regulatory landscape is continuously shifting, and this community will be a hub to discuss and publish content on these changes.

Conversely, the group will also discuss how new or developing technologies apply to existing legal frameworks. The discussions and opinions held by the members of this group are not final, legal decisions; instead, this community will be a space where professionals can share their experiences and personal opinions in an open manner.

This group will consist of regulators, attorneys, developers, and compliance professionals from around the world. Early topics of discussion may include:

  • Ongoing stablecoin litigation
  • The development of international Central Bank Digital Currencies
  • Licensing requirements for virtual currency companies

We encourage the development of a diverse, multi-disciplinary community where experts in tax, finance, corporations, and regulatory compliance can share their views with like-minded professionals. The topic areas covered by this group are quite large, but a holistic view of these topics will allow for more robust and comprehensive discussions. The desired outcomes of this working group include:

  • Educating & informing GBA legal professionals about the risks, and remedies impacting organizations when dealing with these new challenges
  •  Providing information to policymakers, legislators, regulators, and administrators to understand these new models
  • Bringing the public and private sector together to establish effective policies, laws, and rules related to Distributed Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)
  • Establishing thought leadership for the public and private sectors

The working group plans to host regular meetings to discuss pending legislation, cases, precedence, and legal/regulatory news. The group will also have periodic public meetings to share their insights with the legal, blockchain, and cryptocurrency community.

To join this group, just log into the GBA website and join the Legal & Legislative Working Group

Want to learn more?

Attend a Blockchain – Legal Educational Event. Take the GBA Certified Blockchain Legal Specialist Course.  Find out about the Legal & Legislative Working Group and contact Miles Vaughn. To learn more about the Government Blockchain Association (GBA), contact Gerard Dache.

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