Compete in the AI Race

Competition in the A.I. race is rampant.

But companies face a widespread dilemma. Do they go fast and break things, or slow down and fall behind? Early AI implementation bears the responsibility of programming safety into its features.

A recent survey from Dataiku and Databricks, two AI companies, cites that over 70% of senior AI professionals notice a positive ROI for money spent on data science, analytics, and AI initiatives. The survey reinforces that AI, including Generative AI, is producing positive business results that are pronounced and rapid.

So how can a company keep up with this swiftly changing technology?

Learn from the experts in the field.

This September, the Government Blockchain Association (GBA) will present Blockchain & Infrastructure- The Rise of AI, in Washington, DC.

Subject matter experts in blockchain and AI will address topics such as Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain Maturity Model Updates, Selecting Blockchain Projects, and Blockchain and the Arc of Innovation.

The landscape is changing. Blockchain & Infrastructure- The Rise of AI can help your company stay ahead in the AI race.

Tickets are on sale now.

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