Lifetime Membership Now Available

Don't Miss The Lifetime Membership!

Are you working with, or interested in blockchain technology?

Then this is for you!

The Government Blockchain Association (GBA) is now offering a Lifetime Membership, available until December 31.

Why is this important? Because innovation blooms in collaboration.

“No matter how brilliant your mind or strategy, if you’re playing a solo game, you’ll always lose out to a team.” – Michael Jordan

So, what is so special about the GBA?

We are a winning team. With over 50 Working Groups, the GBA is involved in the development and implementation of blockchain technology in voting, banking and finance, regulations and standards, identity, smart cities, land titling, gaming, healthcare, supply chain, and more.  Creating real-life applications, including a blockchain assurance standard called the Blockchain Maturity Model (BMM), this association is an incubator for developing and implementing blockchain innovation.

There’s an immediate need. Right now, governments around the world realize that they must understand and acquire blockchain solutions but are reluctant to change and risks. Civil Servants expect to see and understand what is actually possible with blockchain before moving to adoption.

The GBA has members in over 500 government offices, allowing the public and private sectors to connect, communicate, and collaborate, educating both sides on what is needed and what is available.

Networking is front and center with multiple Zoom calls every week, and two major conferences each year. GBA’s flagship conference, The Future of Money, Governance, and the Law will take place in Washington, DC, May 2-3, 2024. Members and nonmembers alike can take advantage of the rich environment for networking at GBA.

Henry Ford said, “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself”.

At GBA, our members are given every opportunity to move forward together. Interested in joining us on the journey? Then be sure to move quickly and take advantage of the Lifetime Membership, for just $999. This offer includes one ticket to each of the 2 conferences in 2024, and the membership never expires.

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