Leverage Blockchain technology to make “The Law” more open, transparent and accessible– and knowable.
Legal information exists at multiple levels, multiple jurisdictions, and domains and over time. Legislative bodies write laws, executive branches execute and enforce laws through regulations and codes and judicial authorities resolve disputes by interpreting the codes and laws and issue rulings. This is typically “managed” through obscure and arcane artifacts which are stored in separate, disconnected, and inconsistent systems spread across the country with no coordinating mechanisms whatsoever; Finally, all of these artifacts are being modified in real-time from simple amendments to court rulings that confirm, modify or invalidate them (which themselves are subject to appeal and possible reversal). Therefore, the state of “The Law” at any point in time is currently unknowable and that’s a problem worth solving.
The purpose of this working group is to write whitepapers, coordinate with legal entities and technical experts to establish the framework, and guidance documents to facilitate the integration and coordination of legal information to better know the current state of the law.
Group Leaders
Steven Olson