Speakers Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Code of Conduct Speakers will be required to adhere to the GBA Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics Statement.
Point of Contacts

Location:  1777 F. St. NW Washington, DC 20006

Mr. Bryant Nielson is the Master of Ceremonies for this event. He is assisted by Mr. Robert Perry. They have primary responsibility for all speaker coordination. Please work with them on all programming and speaker-related questions & issues. They can be reached at:

·         Bryant Nielson



·         Robert Perry



  • Jordan Dache is the Video Producer and manages the GBA website, YouTube Channel and general A/V. Please contact him by text at 703-475-2034.
  • Kathy Dache is the overall Event Director. You can reach her at kathy.dache@GBAglobal.org.
  • Greg Magershak is the GBA Community (confnrence app) point of contact. He can be reached at Greg@qbix.com.
Travel For a list of local hotels, please see the Event Travel page.
Program Schedule

Please review the Program Schedule to see the date/time/topic and other details about your speaking slot. Please contact robert.perry@gbaglobal.org for the contact inforamtion of other speeakers.

Moderators, please contact the other members of your panel and solicit their talking points to consolidate a brief overview of the panels. Then please email a brief paragraph that summarizes the panel to Robert Perry at robert.perry@gbaglobal.org. He will include it in the program and the MC will use it to introduce the speakers. It is important that the audience and speakers have a consistent understanding of the content of each presentation.

Speakers Bio Moderators and panelists, please email a 1-2 sentence bio of yourself that the MC can use to introduce you. If you are a keynote, please email Robert a brief paragraph for the program and for the MC introduction script.
Speakers Page Please visit the Speakers Page to verify that you are listed correctly.
Promotion GBA has been promoting this event through email and primarily on LinkedIn. Please support this effort by promoting these posts through your own social media channels. Please follow these tags #GBAevents, #BCIN., and like/comment/share the posts. Also, please mention @GBAglobal. We are also trying to expand our presence on Twitter and other social media platforms. Please help us with these outreach efforts.

All speakers are expected to be in person.

If you have a presentation that you would like to display during your talk, please send it to Robert Perry at robert.perry@gbaglobal.org no later than May 14. Please include your name and the panel or keynote title to which the presentation is related. The programming team will review them for suitability and may request modifications if the presentation is too overtly promotional.

We will make a presentation template available to all speakers by September 1 and it will be linked on the Speakers FAQs page.

Conference App

Speakers, and attendees (physical & virtual) will have access to a conferencing networking app (www.GBA.community) to engage with the audience. The App allows speakers to send content directly to the attendees and solicit instant feedback from the audience. it also enables the speakers to engage with the audience before, during, and after the event.

To view a demo and learn how the app works, please watch the GBA Speakers App Orientation Video.

All speakers should receive an email inviting them to use the app by Monday, September 22. If you do not receive it by that date, please contact Greg@qbix.com.

Event Dress Code This event is not a typical crypto event. Business dress is expected of all speakers. Speakers should dress as if they were testifying before a hearing or legislature.

GBA events are educational, they are not “pitch” events. Government leaders come to learn, not to hear a sales presentation. However, GBA is a business league, and our goal is to meet the business needs of our members. So, we promote the concept of value promotion.

Presentations should be 80% educational and extremely high-quality. Speakers are encouraged to use their company, product, or service as an example of their teaching points. Please feel free to use no more than 20% of your time talking about your project after you have wowed them with great educational content.

The audience should be so impressed with the value you deliver, that they want to get your contact information and follow up to help them with their business requirements.

Recordings Please be advised that your session will be recorded and live-streamed to logged-in GBA members on the Event page. We also generally post these videos on the GBA YouTube Channel sometime in the future. For copyright reasons, please do not include any music in your presentation. We cannot guarantee that your session will be posted on the video channel because sometimes technical or other issues preclude it from being posted.
Tickets All speakers are entitled to two free tickets to the conference and the VIP Rooftop Reception. If you are bringing a guest, please email kathy.dache@GBAglobal.org with the Name, Organization, Title, and Email of your guest.
Run of Show We have drafted the Run of Show document. It identifies the times, topics and is used as a script for how the MC (Bryant Neilson) will introduce the speakers and promote the sponsors. Please review it and let Bryant know if there are any modifications that need to be made to the Run of Show. You can reach him at bryant.nielson@theblockchainacademy.com
VIP Rooftop Reception The reception will be on the rooftop of the same building where the conference will be hosted. It will include food & beverages and will be from 5:30 PM to 9:00 PM. Tickets are required to attend. Please let Kathy know if you plan to attend and if you will bring a guest. Attendance is limited to speakers, sponsors, and VIPs. No tickets will be sold at the conference.
Video If you intend to display a presentation, please remove any music from the presentation. Potential copyright violations are very problematic and at this point, we cannot allow music in videos.