Learn about all the ways that blockchain is being used by local, state, national, and multi-national government bodies arourd the world!

10:00 AM Opening Remarks Greg Leffel
10:05 AM Welcome to Fairfax Mayor Read
10:15 AM Virginia Blockchain Leadership Senator Salim
10:25 AM Joint Commission on Technology & Science Delegate Maldonado
10:35 AM Deploying American Blockchains Act Michael Cameron
10:55 AM The State of Blockchain Globally Gerard Dache
11:15 AM Blockchain & Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Daniel Keller
12:00 PM Lunch  Local Restaurants
1:00 PM Government Blockchain Use Cases Greg Leffel
1:12 PM Blockchain Maturity Model (BMM) Gerard Dache
1:24 PM Elections & Voting Nimit Sawhney
1:36 PM Elections & Voting Eugene Morozov
1:48 PM Banking & Financial Services Paul Dowding
2:00 PM Blockchain as a Service Tom Plunkett
2:12 PM Break  
2:24 PM Receiving, Custody, and Disbursement of Crypto Chris Smithmyer
2:36 PM Supply Chain Akshay Rajkumar Dhoot
2:48 PM AgriTech Alexander Mann
3:00 PM Healthcare Dr. Ann Ingraham
3:12 PM Healthcare Pradeep Goel
3:24 PM Break  N/A
3:36 PM Decentralized Storage Emily Lu
3:48 PM Decentralized Storage Bernie Alen
4:00 PM Files & Documentation Management Yatharth Mishra
4:12 PM Emergency Management & Public Safety Jordon Kestner
4:24 PM Record Management Rafael Cordon
4:36 PM Closing Remarks Daniel Keller
4:48 PM Event Discounts/Benefits – Door Prizes Kathy Dache
5:00 PM Happy Hour Â