Blockchain Solutions – Not Just Talk

Right now there are many organizations that host meetings and conferences.  Usually they get together, have a beer and all shout “Blockchain is great!”.  Then they go home with little to show for it.  After you have attended several of these, people become frustrated because there is very little new information.  Here is how we are different.

We believe that while solutions can be developed by thought leaders around the world, they are deployed locally.

That’s why GBA has working groups where we bring together blockchain leaders in specific fields like Supply Chain Management, Legal Information Management, and many others including Identity Management, Voting, Records Management, Property Management, Inventory Management, Cybersecurity, Budgeting, Appropriations, Financial Tracking, Legislative Affairs and many others.

Our working groups develop content, presentations, and course materials, and they are then sent to our chapter leaders around the world.  You can see a map of our global chapters at

This way, our local chapter meetings receive some of the best content by global leaders. They can then deploy solutions in their part of the world where they have relationships, and can operate in local contractual and legal environments.

Also, the fact that the GBA is a non-profit organization allows access to government leaders outside of the standard procurement and acquisition constraints.  GBA does not bid on contracts.  However, we do provide training and advisory services volunteered by our members to help government leaders solve problems.  This enables the free-flow of ideas and information between government and private companies.

This strategy has worked.  We launched our website in May of 2017.  By September 20th, we had over 1,000 members.  This makes GBA the largest Blockchain Professional Organization in the world in only four months.  We have received requests to provide information and services to governments all over the world, including at the Executive, Legislative and Administrative branches.

The bottom line is, we are using blockchain technology to create real world solutions, and we would love to have you on our team. I would like to encourage you to join the GBA as a professional or commercial company and Join a Working Group or a Local Chapter.

If we can do anything to support you or your mission, please let us know,

Gerard Dache


Government Blockchain Association

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