“Quality Assurance and Control in BMM for Blockchain Technology Solution”
Once we hear Blockchain, we think about what it is. Is that a programming language or technology or revolutionary terminology?
Blockchain is a methodology to deliver Trustable, Transparent, Reliable, Immutable, Distributed and Sustainable Software Solution. Hence we call it the Blockchain Technology Solution.
A Blockchain Technology Solution is not delivered as a product, developed by coding and testing alone. The Blockchain Technology Solution is developed considering multiple factors like process, process approach, system, product requirement, societal requirement, societal benefit, cryptography, distributed storage, self sovereign identity, peer to peer, complete security, synchronization of data and more.
So a Blockchain Technology Solution being delivered to the customer or society has to be considered in a multi-dimensional approach when it is being developed, to satisfy the needs and expectations of the customer and society.
Conventional software development focuses mostly on stated requirements and the implied requirements are taken care of as required. When it comes to quality, it has three dimensions: Stated, Implied and Delight. The Blockchain Technology Solution development as a revolutionary measure is focusing on all the three dimensions of quality: Stated, Implied and Delight.
Quality Assurance and Control in Blockchain Technology Solution is embedded from the initial stage of the software development life cycle until the end. Considering the 10 phases of SDLC – Software Development Life Cycle: initiation, concept development, planning, requirements analysis, design, development, integration and test, implementation and operations, maintenance and disposition of information systems; and the PDCA cycle – Plan Do Check Act, the Blockchain Technology Solution to be developed.
The Blockchain Maturity Model has developed an 11 element framework considering the SDLC and PDCA along with Primary and Secondary Blockchain Principles, where product and processes are integrated to provide a quality assured and controlled Blockchain Technology Solution by standardizing. The eleven elements are: Governance, Distribution, Identity Management, Interoperability, Performance, Privacy, Reliability, Resilience, Security, Infrastructure Sustainability and Synchronization.
Then how is Quality Assurance and Control embedded?
Each element has a goal with requirements and expectations deployed with each level. The levels are Initial, Documented, Validated, Production and Optimizing which are quantified 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 respectively. The Quality Assurance and Control is embedded in these levels as requirements and expectations to ensure the optimized and sustainable delivery of the Blockchain Technology Solution.