
I would like to announce new researach project within GBA “Cryptocurrency Adoption and Its Impact on Govrenment”. Further information about starting a project, would be…

GBA Token Wallet Instructions

The GBA Play Token can be received and sent via a publically available wallet called MetaMask. Download and view the MetaMask Wallet Download Instructions to start…

Stratcom Plan

Communications WhatsApp LinkedIn Slack Channel Hashtags Please follow the following hashtags. #GBAGlobal #GBAevents #BCIN #FoMGL #GBABMM #IGFBAS When you see that someone else has posted…

Strategic Communications Plan

Click this link for information about our News & Information for Public Dissemination Communications Methods & Tools Internal Newsletters Associations have a responsibility to communicate…

Blockchain Voting Standards

This PowerPoint presentation looks at establishing blockchain voting standards for wide spread use at local voting jurisdictions. In summary below are the main points of…