Erika Beerbower, PharmD
Name | Erika Beerbower, PharmD |
Nickname | erika-beerbower-pharmd |
Employer | IBM Watson Health |
Location | Denver, CO |
LinkedIn Profile | |
Summary of Experience | Clinical pharmacy professional and blockchain enthusiast with extensive experience in critical literature evaluation for a variety of therapeutic areas. Currently maintaining and creating clinical content for IBM Watson Health, and working with IBM on DLT healthcare use cases. Pharmacist background, including industry, retail and hospital, and compounding pharmacy. Passionate about new technology providing evidence-based decision making tools that improve outcomes and reduce healthcare costs. Blockchain experience includes multiple certifications, writing course materials, attending conferences, speaking engagements, and meetup groups. |
Professional Goals & Objectives | Interested in adoption and governance around Blockchain in healthcare. Use case experience includes provider credentialing, supply chain, and medical records. |
Domain Experience | Healthcare / Medical / Medical Devices |
Use Case Experience | Electronic Medical Records, Supply Chain Management, Other |
Cryptocurrency Experience | Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, Dash, Steemit |
Languages Spoken | English |
Are you open to speaking opportunities? | Yes |
Availability for Work or Contract Opportunities | Not Looking |
Available for Travel* | 25% |