Legal Resources


This content was produced by the Legal Working Group

The GBA Legal Working Group consists of legal professionals, solution providers,and industry experts. These experts create resources and are available to support the legal use of blockchain soloutions. This page includes the resources GBA has made available to the public. This includes:

  • GBA Publications
  • Technology
  • Experts
  • Videos
  • Blogs

GBA Publications

The Legal Working Group has and continues to develop a set of documents intent on supporting the legal community address legal challenges realted to blockchain and digital assets. They include:

  • Publication 1
  • Publication 2
  • Publication 3


  • Blockchain Legal InstituteWhether you’re an attorney navigating the complex world of blockchain in business or a professional from another sphere, joining the Blockchain Legal Institute creates immense value by providing centralized access to decentralized resources. Enhance your knowledge base and skills by tapping into our extensive repository of resources and case studies, meticulously compiled and frequently updated.


GBA members have deep experience and knowledge regarding the  legal, regulatory, political, and technical issues related to blcockcahin and digital assetts. They are availalble as paid consultants or industry experts.

Organizational Members

Cogent Law Group – 

Jurat Blockchain – Jurat lets blockchains and courts work together to apply the law on-chain without involving intermediaries – not even lawyers. With Jurat, the blockchain nodes can understand court orders and execute them automatically. Also, because Jurat is an add-on product, the blockchain preserves its native protocols and remains fully-decentralized. Users continue to enjoy all of the blockchain’s benefits like anonymous accounts, self-custodying keys and ledger immutability.

Perkins Coi – 



Legal Experts

The following individuals are available for public speaking engagements, interviews and related knowledge transfers for the public good.

Anti-Money Laundering (AML)

Asset Management



Intellectual Property

International Trade

Land Titling



Join The Team!

The GBA Working Group has people from around the world with an interest in and capabilities related to blockchain & legal issues. See the full list of members on the GBA Legal Working Group Page