New Government Blockchain Financial Crimes Working Group
Introducing the GBA Financial Crimes Working Group
The group focuses on helping law enforcement and government agencies to forensically investigate and monitor illicit cryptocurrency use. This group supports the development of techniques and advanced search algorithms to reliably detect suspicious activities within cryptocurrency transactions and the “Dark Web”. The focus is supporting cases “threat tagged” to virtual currencies such as human trafficking, illicit drug sales, kidnapping and ransomware attacks.
Robert Whitaker of the Blockchain Intelligence Group started the GBA Law Enforcement Working Group. Robert is an experienced criminal investigator with a long history of working in the law enforcement industry. He has expertise in cryptocurrencies, financial investigations, emergency management, law enforcement, dignitary protection, team building, and tactics. He also has extensive experience as a military and protective services professional. Mr. Whitaker has held a Top Secret clearance/SCI. The group was later led by Andrew Bloom.