The United Nations (UN) Internet Governance Forum (IGF)
Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Assurance & Standardization
would like to thank Prometheus Computing and Voatz for their generous support of our work in 2023.
With thousands of blockchain projects built on hundreds of different technology platforms, the need for standards could not be overemphasized.
Thanks to the support of these companies, we were able to facilitate the connection, communication, and collaboration of the public and private sector. The global community had an opportunity to learn about the Blockchain Maturity Model (BMM). And now, Utah County is the first government in the world to adopt the BMM.
Prometheus Conputing. LLC is an agile, mission-driven company whos vision is to make the world a better place through digital innovation
We use emerging technologies, innovative ideas, strategic thinking, fun and hard work to solve our customers’ challenges and create bridges between legacy and future paradigms.
For more information about Prmetheus Computing, please visit their website at https://www.prometheuscomputing.com
Voatz is the company that understands that democracy requires secure elections and results you can verify and trust. That is why they creaed a mobile voting technology that incorproates:
- End-to-End Encryption
- Paper Trail & Secure Digital Receipts
- Blockchain Storage
- Biometric Verification
- Risk Assessment & Audits &
- Data Security & Privacy
into an easy to use solution for voters and election officlas.
For more infroamtion about Voatx vist their website at https://voatz.com