UN IGF Dynamic Coalition Pilots DAO Project

On November 20, 2023, the United Nations (UN) Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Assurance & Standardization will begin planning a project to establish a Distributed Autonomous Organization (DAO). The goal of the pilot project is to create an example of how public sector organizations can use blockchain technology and DAO principles to establish rules based, transparent, and high-integrity governance structures.
GBA member, Gosh is donating their technology for the pilot. The project will work closely with the following GBA Working Groups:
- Distributed Autonomous Organization (DAO) Governance
- Legal & Legislative
- Digital Asset Management
- Application Architecture
This body of work will be coordinated by the GBA Program Management Office and donated to the Dynamic Coalition (DC) on Blockchain Assurance & Standardization (DC-BAS).
The UN IGF DC-BAS meets on the third Monday of every month. It is open to the public. To become a member of the UN IGF DC-BAS join the Google Group.