• Dress Code: GBA events are unique in that we ask attendees to follow a dress code. (This will benefit you greatly in networking with our distinguished audience). We will also have media teams taking videos, interviewing attendees for podcasts, and photographing attendees for future GBA promotions. Business attire is required. Jeans are not appropriate. Feel free to ask the photographers to take your picture. All photos will be emailed to attendees via a link a week or so after the event.
  • Government Representatives Private Reception: A private reception for all government representatives, called ‘Birds of a Feather’ will be held in the green room off the lobby. All government representatives are invited to come and meet their colleagues from many nations. Only official government representatives will be admitted.
  • Lost & Found: All found items will be held at the GBA Member Services table. Valuables will be locked in a secure location. Please see the member services representative (Kyle) for assistance.
  • Meals: Continental breakfast will be served between 9:00 AM & 9:50 AM on both days of the conference. This year, lunch will also be provided for all attendees. Snacks will be served in the afternoon. Coffee, tea, sodas, and water will be available all day.
  • Our Venue: This event will be held at at 1777 F. St. NW., Washington, DC. Since this is a privately owned facility, we ask that all attendees stay on the 2nd floor where the conference is being held. Feel free to wander through the light-filled lobby of the 2nd floor where we will have coffee and snacks served all day. Lunch will be provided for all BCIN attendees. We ask that you DO NOT go onto the other floors where separate businesses are held.
  • Photographer: Our wonderful photographer, Doug Sanford, will be taking pictures. If you are not familiar with his amazing work, take a look at this website. Please feel free to ask him to take your picture. Even better, gather your friends and get a group shot. All photos will be available for downloading a few days after the conference.
  • Social Media / Promotions:
    • Prior to the event, help us promote this event on social media by following #GBAevents and please like, comment, and share the posts.
    • During the event, please take lots of pictures and tag all photos and posts with #GBAevents, and @GBAglobal. Please also follow these hashtags and like, comment, and share these posts from fellow conference participants. We encourage attendees to make frequent posts. The GBA communications team will amplify positive messages.
  • Sponsorship: Sponsorship opportunities are available for future events. Please email events@GBAglobal.org for more information.
  • The VIP Rooftop Reception: will follow Thursday’s conference immediately upstairs in the same building. All VIP Rooftop Reception ticket holders are welcome to come up to the 8th floor after 5:15 PM on Thursday. Food and drink will be served.
  • Travel Accommodations: If you have any questions about Hotels, Metro Access, Restaurants for lunch, please see the Travel section of the BCIN website.
  • Website – Please see the BCIN Landing Page and related links for event information.