Working Groups are coordinating with Javon Swint to accomplish three goals. They are:
- Develop BMM Supplemental Standards. However, members of the working group are encouraged to take the Intro to BMM Online Course for the foundational knowledge to work on and develop the supplements.
- Blockchain Resource Pages – Each working group is being asked to develop a resource page as a way to promote the members of each working group. For an example, see the Voting Resource Page.
- Establishing Subject Matter Expertise (SME) criteria, training, and tests.
Below are some highlights of specific working groups.
- Application Architecture – Selection and implementation of the GBA Customer Management System (CRM) and developing other GBA technologies.
- Emergency Management – Developing the BMM emergency management supplement, facilitating assessment, and establish credibility with government acquisition officials.
- Developing marketing program for emergency assessments for local communities to meet today challenges of violence in the community
- DAO Governance – Establishing the working group schedule and plan.
- Energy – Developing program standards for blockchain assurance thru the energy sector including all power generation sectors.
- Gaming – Working on grant applications to fund developing BMM standards for gaming.
- Grants Management – Supporting GBA members pursuit of grants.
- Healthcare & Life Sciences – Supporting Coalition for Trust & Wisdom in Global Health
- Identity Management – Reviewing the BMM Identity Management Supplement to address deep fakes and other AI risks.
- International Organizations & Standards – First Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) Launched by a Dynamic Coalition of the Internet Governance Forum.
- Land Titling – Reviewing the comments to the BMM Land Titling Supplement. And, applying for grant funding for further work.
- Legal, Legislative & Policy – Continuing to work on the Cryptocurrency & Exchange Model Law and developing the DAO Member Liability Report & Recommendations for the UN IGF BAS-DC DAO.
- Mining & Cryptocurrency – Looking for Smart Contract Auditors. Learn More
- Project Funding – Exploring opportunities for GBA members with the US Department of Commerce. Contact Jerry Bell for details.
- Quantum – Developing program standards for blockchain for the newly emerging quantum industry.
- Space – Designing and developing program standards for the aerospace and space sectors.
- Standards & Certification – Reviewing and drafting the next version of the BMM and supporting documents.
- Supply Chain (Food) – Reviewing the BMM Food Supply Chain Supplement. Looking for comments & feedback.
- Telecom, Internet & Comms – Starting to work on BMM Telecommunications Supplement
- Voting– Board of Directors Election Preparation