Blockchain Maturity Model

This content was produced by the Standards & Certification Working Group

BMM Core Documents


BMM Supplement Documents

The BMM includes the characteristic elements of all blockchain solutions. These elements are required to achieve confidence in the integrity and reliability of a blockchain project. However, some industries have unique requirements for their domain. The table below describes the industry-specific BMM supplements that are being established by GBA Working Groups

Industry Status Point of Contact
Banking & Financial Services Download Paul Dowding
Elections & Voting Download Susan Eustis
Healthcare Download Marquis Allen
Gaming Download Jonathan Baha’i
Token Download Chris Smithmyer
Identity Management Download Dino Cataldo Dell’Accio
Artificial Intelligence Review Draft Mitja Goroshevsky
Land & Property Titling Review Draft Muhammed Saleem
DAO Draft Mitja Goroshevsky
Smart Contract Audit Draft Chris Smithmyer

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