Blockchain & Infrastructure
Evening Reception
1526 new hampshire ave NW, Washington D.C. 20036
Get ready to network in grand old style as we return this year to the historic Whittemore House, November 6th , for our evening reception.
Each of the stately Parlor Rooms will be designated with a specific topic, such as the DAO Parlor Room, or the Voting and Elections Parlor Room, so that guests will be able to find conversations that interest them.
No longer will attendees enter a reception and miss their intended contacts. With specific parlor rooms, you will be able to network with a purpose.

Not looking for any specific subject? Then you will love the beauty and elegance of the Whittemore, where Presidents and dignitaries shook hands over the deals that made history.
Elegant evening attire, (black tie OPTIONAL) requested.

Make your own new deal by coming to GBA’s evening reception this year at the
Whittemore House in Washington, DC.
Email for sponsorship details.