Building Trusted
Digital Public Infrastucture (DPIN)

Day 1

9:00 AM              Registration/Networking Breakfast

9:45 AM              Opening Remarks

10:00 AM            Artificial Intelligence

11:00 AM            Keynote

11:30 AM            Campaigns, Elections & Voting

12:30 PM            Lunch

1:25 PM             Public Utilities (Telco, Power, Water)  

2:25 PM              Cybersecurity

3:20 PM              Networking Break

3:40 PM              Gaming

4:35 PM              Keynote

5:05 PM              Government Birds of a Feather Reception

5:30 PM              Evening Reception


Day 2

9:00 AM              Healthcare & Life Science

10:00 AM            Keynote

10:55 AM            Identity Management

11:53 AM            Keynote

12:25 PM            Lunch

1:25 PM              Land & Property Titling

2:20 PM              Supply Chain

3:15 PM              Break

3:35 PM              Sustainable Smart Cities

4:25 PM              Closing Remarks

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