Blockchain Maturity Model
Organizations around the world are beginning to acquire blockchain solutions.
The problem is, that they do not have the knowledge or framework to distinguish between a reliable solution and a hyped prototype.
The BMM helps solution providers demonstrate their credibility to potential customers as well as provides a roadmap to continuous improvement.
In some cases, the government can provide financial assistance to use the BMM to improve and demonstrate blockchain solutions.

The Maven Federal Credit Union (MFCU) is an Association Single Common Bond organization purposed to service a community of people that are members of the Government Blockchain Association (GBA).
The Proposed Maven Federal Credit Union, sponsored by the Government Blockchain Association (GBA), is currently in the pre-charter phase with the National Credit Union Administration. To achieve our full charter and launch the first blockchain-powered credit union, we need 1,000 founding pre-charter members. These initial founding members must be U.S. citizens and have a current GBA membership (discounted fee available).
Discounts for GBA Members

Business & Tax Strategy Consultation provided by Diligentiam – This free phone consultation helps to identify government incentives for research and development (R&D), tax reductions, refunds from overpayments of prior years, cost segregations, business valuations, Earned-Value Management (EVM), Pitch Deck support and numerous other business and tax topics to increase cashflow.
Multi-Blockchain, Low Code Development Platform provided by Simba Chain – This offer includes free use of their development tool to all GBA members. The tool allows people to build blockchain applications without having prior development skills.
25% Discount
Career & Temperament Fit Evaluation provided by Giftness DC – This evaluation is designed to help you understand how you’re wired, what motivates you, and how to find the right “fit,” whether that’s a job, a business, or any other circumstance. We’ll take a deep dive into your life to really discover what brings you to life, and then we’ll tailor a report specific to you. We not only identify your gifts, but we also help you understand how to harness your unique wiring to truly thrive in your environment.
Government Business Blockchain Platform
The GBBP is a multi-blockchain platform that has been developed as a common environment for GBA members to use to develop and deploy blockchain applications for government services
GBA Training
Course Catalog
GBA members around the world deliver blockchain training, view all courses
Training Calendar
View all training events
Consulting Series Course Handbook
The handbook is distributed and reviewed by working groups and GBA chapter members
Education & Training Working Group
The working group advises GBA staff in the direction and guidance on the long-term education and training goals and objectives of the Association.
Cryptocurrency Maturity Profile
The CMP provides various cryptocurrency metrics along with the most recent GBA working papers and research projects.
Research Spotlight
Impact of Cryptocurrency Adoption on Governments
This study, developed by an international panel of government and private sector experts, examines the adoption of crypto and around the world and the impact of adoption on government regulation, ethics, privacy, jurisdictions, economies, enforcement, and taxation. Governments have embarked on many different initiatives ranging from CBDC development authorizing crypto custodial services for banks & drafting new legislation. This study is intended to provide public and private sector leaders with the info needed to understand crypto trends and recommend potential courses of action.
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