The Future of Money, Governance, & The Law

Washington D.C.

Spring 2025

Request a Press Pass

Welcome to online press registration for GBA’s Future of Money, Governance & the Law conference. You should register here for information about upcoming event information.

We encourage you to pre-register online because:

  • You speed up your on-site registration process
  • You can receive advanced information on event details including press conferences, parties, and side events.
  • You will receive important event-related information in advance from the Government Blockchain Association.

Before registering, please take a moment to:

  • Determine if you qualify for press credentials
  • Review where you can and can’t go with your press credentials.

Your Press Credentials

As a member of the working Press attending a GBA coordinated press event, you have full access to:

  • Exhibitors
  • All Presentations
  • Press Conferences
  • The Press Center
  • Exhibitor Presentations

Registration Criteria…

To qualify for press credentials, you must: be affiliated with a nationally or regionally recognized media outlet, and hold a;

  • Journaistic title or
  • Editorial title or
  • Position as an industry analyst.

To obtain your press credentials at any GBA event, you must present: a business card, or copy of masthead showing name and title, or recent copy of by-lined article (if you’re a freelancer), or letter from editor or publisher assigning bearer to cover one of our upcoming events.

You do not qualify for press credentials if you are:

  • a publisher
  • a sales rep
  • any other non-editorial personnel.