Blockchain and Sustainable Economic Growth Schedule

Blockchain & Sustainable Economic Growth Schedule

(Art credit: ‘Stop the Traffic’ Acrylic on canvas by Kylo Hemmingway)

Wednesday, May 25

Breakfast / Networking 9:00 AM
Introduction 10:00 AM

Blockchain Technology Basics

(How it works)

10:20 AM
Keynote: 11:00 AM
Legal & Regulatory Considerations 11:30 AM
Lunch 12:10 PM
Innovation Showcase 1:10 PM
WaveDancer Demo 2:35 PM
UN Joint Staff Pension Fund BC Demo 2:45 PM
EarthID Demo 2:55 PM
5 Judges’ Remarks & Roundtable Discussion 3:05 PM
Results Announcement 3:45 PM
Closing Remarks 3:55 PM




Thursday, May 26


Breakfast 9:00 AM
Opening Remarks 10:00 AM
Keynote: Thursday, May 26 at 10 AM 10:10 AM
Sustainable Finance & Ethical Investment 10:40 AM
Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Standards 11:20 AM
Lunch 12:00 PM
Cryptocurrency Energy Debate 1:10 PM
Self-Sovereign Identity 1:50 PM
Keynote: The Future of Money & Banking 2:30 PM
Break 3:00 PM
National Sovereignty & Cryptocurrency 3:30 PM
Government Blockchain Resources 4:10 PM
Open 4:20 PM
Travel 5:00 PM
Government Blockchain VIPs 6:30 PM


6:30 PM         Government Blockchain VIP Reception (Invitation Only)

Friday, May 27

Breakfast 8:50 AM
Supply Chain 9:50 AM
Healthcare 10:30 AM
Environment 11:10 AM
Gaming & Gambling 11:40 AM
Lunch 12:20 PM
DAOs 1:20 PM
Financial Inclusion 2:00 PM
Keynote: 2:30 PM
Networking Break 3:00 PM
Awards & Recognition 3:30 PM
Art Show Auction 4:10 PM
Closing Remarks 4:50 PM


6:30 PM      Inventors & Pioneers Evening Reception